Phrase of the Day Season 1
Scroll through phrases of the day from each of Ahikāroa’s Season 1 episodes, and upsize ur reo!
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Nā wai i kī, ko koe te kaiwhakawā i te mea tika, i te mea hē
'You of all people don’t get to decide what’s right or wrong'
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Ka mateonioni koe, kātahi ka kūware kē atu
'God you’re dumb when you’re horny'
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He Māori e tiihaehae ana i te ao rorohiko
'A brown brother ripping it up in the tech world'
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Taku kuware hoki, raru tonu i ana nukarau
'I’ve been so dumb, falling for his shit'
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Kia ora. Ko au tana wahine pōrangi o mua. I pērā tana kōrero nē?
'Hi i’m the crazy bitch ex. That’s what he’s told you right?'
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Mena he wahine koe, ka mārama koe
'If you were a woman you’d understand why it’s wrong but you don’t'
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He mahi anō te mahi. He moni anō te moni
'Work is work. Money is money'
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I wareware i a au kei te whai wāhi mai koe.
'I’m sorry. I forgot you were in this relationship too.'
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